PCOD is a lifestyle disorder resulting in hormonal disturbance in females of reproductive age. In this condition there is formation of multiple cyst along the periphery of ovary. It produces symptoms like irregular menstruation, acne, mood swings, excessive hair growth and infertility.  In this blog we will be giving you some tips on how to manage PCOD with homeopathy.

  1. Consult a qualified homeopathic physician and give him a detailed explanation of your complaints.
  2. Slight dietary changes are recommended in which all the processed foods, junk foods, fried foods, sugar and refined carbohydrates like pasta and bread are to be avoided. Diet should include fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower. Patient is also advised to include whole grains, nuts like walnut, flax seeds and fish in their diet.
  3. Vitamin D is necessary for hormone regulation so it is recommended to get exposed in sunlight daily or vitamin D supplements are advised.
  4. Proper exercise is recommended at least for 30 minutes daily which may include brisk walking, going for jogging in the morning, skipping, swimming etc.
  5. Stress play a key role on hormone regulation so the patient should give priority to stress management. Patients are advised to do yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises which helps in the release of happy hormones reducing stress which helps in hormone regulation.
  6. Consume plenty of water up to 3-4L water in a day and stay hydrated.
  7. Avoid intake of hormone tablets.
  8. Do take a note about your menstrual cycle like whether it is late or early, flow is scanty or excessive, the symptoms which you may experience before, during or after menstruation.
  9. Avoid sedentary life habits and keep moving always.
  10. Take the medicine prescribed by the homeopath regularly and do regular visits with your doctor.

Some of the best homeopathic medicines for PCOD:

  1. Pulsatilla: It is a good remedy indicated for delayed irregular menstruation with scanty bleeding which is thick, dark red in colour with clots.
  2. Senecia Aureus: Indicated for irregular menstruation with back ache, anemia and cramps before menstruation.
  3. Sepia officinalis: This is a good remedy for irregular menstruation with profuse bleeding with sharp clutching pain before menses.
  4. Thuja Occidentalis: This is indicated for irregular menses with pain in the region of left ovary before menses (left side ovary affection).
  5. Apis mellifica: Indicated for irregular menses with severe pain (right side ovary affection), with bearing down feeling as if menses would appear but does not menstruate.
  6. Calcarea carb: This is indicated for irregular menses in which the menses appears early and is profuse with headache and pain in the lower abdomen before menses.
  7. Natrum muriaticum: Good medicine for profuse bleeding during menses which is irregular and have dry vagina associated with it.
  8. Graphites: This medicine is indicated for menses which is late accompanied by constipation during menstruation.
  9. Lycopodium Clavatum: This is also indicated for irregular menses that last for many days and comes very late with pain in the right ovarian region in person with issues of constant bloating and flatulence.
  10. Lachesis mutus: This is indicated for irregular menses which lasts for few days with very mild bleeding with pain before menses.


In conventional medicine PCOD is managed by hormonal pills. Hormonal pills have many side effects like weight gain, nausea, breast tenderness, mood changes, increased risk for blood clots etc. Homeopathy can manage PCOD with homeopathic medicines that has been obtained from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals. Homeopathic medicines are highly individualized and act on a particular individual and stabilizes hormone level along with increasing the immunity of the person. Homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of symptoms and proper explanation of one’s symptoms would be of great help in prescribing the medicine. Such a manner of selection of medicine allows homeopaths to give permanent relief of the suffering of a patient and to avoid its recurrences. The tips mentioned above are the additional advices that are given to the patient along with the intake of homeopathic medicine which would provide relief to the suffering.

So what is the delay? Book an appointment with us @Ccube homeopathy and embrace a life free of PCOD with us.



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